Get Access To The Highest Quality Data


B2B Contacts with Email Addresses.


Global Company Profiles


Technologies Tracked


Accuracy Guarantee

Ematrix Solutions Data Collection and Verification Process

Step 1

We search and analyze millions of public documents to hunt down relevant information.

Step 2

In addition, we license data from trusted third parties to supplement our data, and make it even more comprehensive

Step 3

We analyze, categorize and label our data (Machine Learning, Rule-Based Learning, Proprietary Algorithms)

Step 4

We test and validate our information to remove invalid, stale and unverifiable information

Step 5

Accurate information is loaded into the Ematrix Solutions database, ready for customers to access.

Step 6

We perform a unique pre-delivery email validation process, and put our data through a final round of tests before delivery of data to or clients.

Step 7

We deliver our accurate data to our customers (Any emails that could not be verified gets sent back to our team of manual researchers.)

Step 8

Researchers comb through the data painstakingly, and update Ematrix database.


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